Qride Pre Learner Course Day 1 and Day 2

Aren't you excited? Your motorcycle riding journey is about to start! The Learn2ride Qride Pre Learner course runs over 2 consecutive days of no less than 6 hours each day. Bikes and gear is supplied Make sure you are eligible to do the QRide Pre Learner Course before booking in. (details below)


The Pre Learner Qride Course curriculum is provided by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and is delivered to you by a Learn2ride, highly trained and accredited QRide Senior Instructor.
Minimum class size applies.

The Queensland pre-learner motorcycle course is a training and assessment program designed to help learner licence applicants gain basic riding knowledge and motorcycle handling skills in a safe environment before riding on the road.

The objectives of the course are to ensure learner riders have the knowledge and skills to manage, under supervision, the routine riding situations they will encounter while learning to ride, to instill appropriate riding attitudes and a safety mindset, and to minimise the likelihood of harm due to inadequate riding knowledge or skills.

The course forms part of an integrated training and assessment program, encompassing a theory assessment and further training at the restricted (RE) and unrestricted (R) licence stages. The course is designed for people who have no on-road riding experience. Having said that , riders who have previous riding experience will learn much from the course and the sequential /layered method of delivery of the modules growing and reinforcing existing skills.

The course curriculum provides a balanced program, presented in a logical and progressive manner, with the sequence, structure and timing of modules designed to support knowledge and skill acquisition.

The course is competency-based, with each competency element assessed as competent or not yet competent; participants will only successfully complete the course if they demonstrate all competencies.

Queensland Law states you must be eligible to do the course. Check your eligibility now .

You must present the Eligibility Certificate to your Qride Trainer prior to the course commencing.

Qride Eligibility Check.
Click HERE




You can enrol in the Q-Ride pre-learner course if you hold a provisional, probationary or open car licence and have held the licence for at least 1 year.

You must be eligible to do the course. 

 Once you have successfully completed Day 2 you will be able to complete the Motorcycle Knowledge Test at the Transport Department and obtain your motorcycle Learner Licence.
Once you start your Pre learner Course the 2 day program must be completed within 30 days of commencement date.

Items to bring/wear:

  • Drivers Licence and eligibility certificate
  • Footwear suitable for motorcycle riding, No slip on loafers or sand shoes, Boots are preferred.
  • Long sleeved shirt
  • Long trousers
  • Motorcycle helmet, jacket and gloves if you have them.
  • Hat and sunscreen
  • Water
  • Something to eat or snack on during breaks
  • You can use your own motorcycle if you wish. LAMS approved of course. :
  • Get a good night's sleep and  ready to learn

Terms and Conditions


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